Friday, April 19, 2013

The Trip

If you recall, I work at a school called Fontem Albei, which is in the town of Fonsagrada, which is about an hour away from Lugo. Which is where I live. So yes, that means that me, and the rest of the teachers who live in Lugo have about 2hrs in car every workday. yikes. But the countryside is beautiful, which helps to make up for the motion sickness.

So, here are some blurry out-the-car-window pictures. I'm not even going to try to edit them and make them nicer. Accept the poor quality pictures as part of the experience.

Bimbo is a brand of bread

I tried to take a photo of a flag. Can you tell?


And now the return trip.

There was a nice view a second before, I swear

more molinos


the next of a stork

When the sun is out, we get the sun in our faces both in going and in coming back. And when it's precipitating, everything is cold and wet/frozen


Also, I'm going on a little trip this weekend to Leon! So stay tuned for that, I guess.

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