Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Going Home

I apologize ahead of time for the ambiguity of this post's title. I'm not talking about going home-home, just about how I get back to my apartment after school here in Santiago. I took a bunch of pictures and added captions to all of them, but there are way too many for Blogger to be a viable format so I put them all on Imgur. 

Here is the link for the album.

A lot of people gave me funny looks for taking pictures of boring things, but I had a lot of fun doing this. If you notice a drop in quality from my usual pictures, it's probably for two reasons: One, I didn't edit any of these before putting them up, and Two, the screen on my camera broke so I have to use the viewfinder and can't really use any of the camera's built-in features beyond point and shoot.

I won't post an obligatory photo today, because I posted a whole bunch on the Imgur site already. Enjoy!