Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Snow Day

My carpool nearly died coming home from the school yesterday coming down a mountain road covered in 2 inches of snow at about 25 mph, fishtailing and drifting into the oncoming lane... But we didn't die! Because Carmen, the teacher who was driving, is an awesome driver. 

This was Fonsagrada on Monday. It started snowing in the late afternoon, and was sticking by the time my carpool left at a little after 7pm.

Of course the Xunta declared that there would be classes all week, so everyone went on Tuesday. The Xunta is the Galician government, seated in Santiago in the western part of the Autonomous Community and is in control of the education system, including snow days.

And this is Tuesday! I took this photo right before lunch, so maybe 2:10, 2:15 ish, and it kept on like this even after we left at around 5.  When we arrived, there was a little snow on the ground from the night before, and it was just starting up again with a few melty flakes. 

A lot of the students live outside the town in the surrounding villages, so the busses came after lunch to take them home. The ones who live in Fonsa stuck around til the end of classes, which meant the teachers had to stick around as well.

one more snow picture from tuesday morning

Today, the ones who live in Fonsa did show up, but I think that was only like 7 students and 3 or 4 teachers. 


  1. Snow! We're still waiting for snow in Korea. Enjoy!

    1. Ha :) I'm sure you could incorporate making snowflakes in your classes. Then you don't have to wait!
