Friday, April 18, 2014

Galicia Profunda: part II

Do you guys remember when last year, during Carnaval I went to Amsterdam and did the most touristy thing ever and it was fantastic? Well, I managed to repeat the experience in the small town of Doade. This is a town so small that nothing shows up when you search for it on Google Maps. I managed to find it anyway

So, Chelsea, Noé and I took the tourist train that trundled us among grapevines and along canyon walls, between thousand-year chestnuts and crumbling villages to one of the many vineyards in the area. 

Terraces on the slopes
After the little train (can you really call it a train if it doesn't roll on rails?) dropped us off in Doade again we got back in the car and set off for the points of interest indicated on Manolo's map:

This tiny hermitage, the name of which I have forgotten
This lookout where Noé did not drop his camera
A waterfall

another walk by a stream with muiños and some neat aquatecture

This path that did not lead to a castro. This was the second time we were unsuccessful in finding a castro--they probably don't even exist anyway.
The 9th century Santa Cristina Monastery, now abandoned
On the way back home to the casa again Chelsea learned how to drive stick, taking advantage of the empty country roads. Minimal stalling occurred. I tried my hand at it the next day, with less encouraging results. It seems that knowing when to switch gears on a bicycle does not help very much, while being experienced at driving an automatic does. No one got hurt however, except for the car's clutch, but it was a rental anyway.

More pictures coming soon!

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