Sometimes I forget that I don't have to look both ways before crossing
Sometimes I forget I don't have a clothes dryer
Sometimes I forget free food with my drink isn't the norm
Sometimes I forget to put saldo on my movil.
Sometimes I forget to write blog posts. and emails. and text messages.
Sometimes I forget to buy the tickets ahead of time
Sometimes I forget what time it is at home
Sometimes I forget the supermarket is closed on Sundays
Sometimes I forget about peanut butter
Sometimes I forget about dinner
Sometimes I forget how the song ends and I have to turn on my computer in the middle of the night to remember how it goes
Sometimes I forget to watch the news or check the weather report
Sometimes I forget I'm in a whole different country
Sometimes I forget how great the world is
But then I usually remember
Sometimes I forget about your blog, and then I remember! and it's awesome!