Friday, September 28, 2012


Hello. I'm currently in the SeaTac airport, waiting for my flight to Frankfurt, and now is as good a time as ever to start the blog I've been telling people that I'd do.

First off, congratulations to my mother, who did not cry when she left me at security. Kudos.

Here's what my next few hours look like: flying SeaTac to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Madrid. The original iternerary said I'd get in by 11:00 pm, but the guy at the ticket counter said it'd be more like 9:00 pm. Woo! After time changes its over 11 hours of flying (I think??? The whole thing is very confusing). From there it's crash at a hotel outside the airport, then get up at the crack of dawn to navigate the Madrid metro to the bus station, then bus five or six hours to Lugo where I finally get to meet MarĂ­a in person. She's been the one who's been in contact with me since july-ish to get me all up to speed on everything about the school.

Right, the school. For those of you that don't know, I'll be working at IES Fontem Albei in A Fonsagrada, which is a tiny village in the mountains in Galicia. Map:

Galicia is in the northwest corner.

And here's a zoomed in one that shows Lugo, the town where I'll be living.

Lugo is a roman city and a college town, I'll tell you more about it once I've seen it for myself.

And one more that shows (hopefully, if the resolution is good enough) A Fonsagrada, which is the village the school is in. A Fonsagrada means 'the sacred fountain' in case you were interested. I'll tell you more about it too once I've been there. (and have pictures.)

Map nerds, I'm sorry there's no scale on any of these, but the distance from Lugo to A Fonsagrada isn't that far.

Let's see, what else. My computer and camera were stolen out of my car while I was visiting at Sarah's, and this new machine arrived the day before yesterday (Thanks, Evan, for helping me find a decent cheap one). It's been a pain in my ass. Not because it was a super nice computer, but because of all the data I lost. Namely, all the photos I took on my photoshoot of B'ham a few weeks ago. So, bellinghamsters, I'd love any photos you could send me! Campus, downtown, Lakewood, the bay, maybe some pictures of your beautiful selves so I can share them with my students.

Anyway, that's it for now. I'll probably do another pretty soon.

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